Thursday, April 9, 2015

Personal Goals and Objectives Worksheet

Setting goals not only gives you an ongoing road map for success, but it shows you the best alternatives should you need or desire a change along the way. You should review your goals on a regular basis. Many do this daily as it helps them assess their progress and gives them the ability to make faster and more informed decisions. Take a few minutes to answer the following questionnaire. You will find this very helpful in setting and resetting your goals.

1.     The most important reason for being in business for myself is:

2.     What I like best about being in business for myself is:

3.     Within five years I would like my business to be:

4.     When I look back over the past five years of my career I feel:

5.     My financial condition as of today is:

6.     The most important part of my business is (or will be):

7.     The area of my business I really excel in is:

Self-Assessment Worksheet

We recommend that you complete the following self-assessment work sheet, on a clean sheet of paper, as honestly as you can. There is no good or bad answers. Just write down whatever comes to your mind; there is no need to over-think. Trust us, your first response will be your best. Once you have finished the exercises, try to identify business opportunities that match your answers.

1.     List at least five to seven things you like to do or are good at.

2.     List five to seven things you are not good at or you don’t like to do.

3.     If there were 3 to 5 products or services that would make your personal life better, what
would they be?

4.     If there were three to five products or services that would make my business life better,
what would they be?

5.     When people ask what you do, what’s your answer (list one occupation or whatever mainly
occupies your week)?

6.     List five things you enjoy about your work.

7.     List five things you dislike about your work.

8.     When people tell me what they like most about me, their response is:

9.     Some people dislike the fact that I:

10.  Other than your main occupation, list any other skills you possess:

11.  In addition to becoming more financially independent, I would also like to be more:

12.  Write down three things you want to see changed or improved in your community.